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EXASOL offers a strong support, a wide customer adoption and a growing product maturity Nuremberg, February 5, 2013 – The German-based EXASOL AG is listed again in the Magic Quadrant for Data Warehouse Database Management Systems (DBMS) by Gartner, a leading analyst company. According to Gartner, Inc., the data warehouse DBMS market is transforming due […]

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Exasol提供基于内存的列存储DBMS,它提供免费的单节点安装版本,集群部署解决方案和Dell Appliance的集成。 目前有试用版可下载。 1)​用户  Feb 20, 2012 — Gartner发布2012年DW四象限图_钱五哥_新浪博客,钱五哥, gartner. 四象限图. teradata. actian. exasol. 分类: IT技术和研发管理  Dec 21, 2020 — 本文介绍了传统厂商和新厂商在Gartner的2016年魔力象限报告中的位置 而Exasol、Kognitio和日立仍留在特定领域者象限,它们去年也位列其中。 【限时优惠】 现在下单,还享四重好礼: 1、教学课件免费下载2、课程案例  亚搏体育app下载安装-亚体育APP下载. 400-6220-270 English “EXASOL 是数据库管理系统DBMS未来技术的优秀代表”.


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Exasol gartner免费下载

London, UK. 20 January 2021: Exasol, the high-performance analytics database, today announced a new strategic partnership with VAD Technologies, an established IT and technology value added distributor, headquartered in Dubai, UAE.Together, Exasol and VAD Technologies will bring Exasol’s powerful analytics database to customers across the Middle East, helping them get faster access to data MELBOURNE, Australia, July 28, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Yellowfin Bolsters Partnership with Exasol to Offer Customers Unrivalled Analytics Performance EXASOL ist im „Magic Quadrant“ für Data Warehouse Datenbank-Management- Systeme 2013 EXASOL bietet starken Support, große Kundenakzeptanz und wachsende Produkt- reife Nürnberg, 5. Februar 2013 – Die in Deutschland beheimatete EXASOL AG ist von Gartner, einem führenden Analystenhaus, abermals in den „Magic Quadrant“ für Data Warehouse Da- Exasol, the high-performance analytics database, announced a new strategic partnership with Pyramid Analytics, provider of the next-generation trusted In-depth reviews by real users verified by Gartner in the last 12 months. Filter by company size, industry, location & more.

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Choose business software with confidence. “EXASOL platziert sich nun zum fünften Mal in Folge im Gartner Magic Quadrant für Data Warehouse und Data Management Lösungen”, so Aaron Auld, CEO der EXASOL AG. “Sowohl unsere Vision, als auch die Umsetzung unserer Lösungen in der Praxis werden vom Markt mit wachsender positiver Wertschätzung wahrgenommen. Exasol fits into any data environment, so you can get started right away. More on Data Warehouse Architecture. Performance 3 billion rows of data in 3 seconds, not 3 hours. With an in-memory, columnar database and MPP architecture, you can query billions of rows in seconds. 16/2/2012 · Gartner (News - Alert).

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Find the best fit for your organization by comparing feature ratings, customer experience ratings, pros and cons, and reviewer demographics. Gartner Magic Quadrant bewertet EXASOL mit Blick auf "Vision" und "Umsetzungsfähigkeit" als beispielhaft 25.02.15, 22:10 PR NEWSWIRE /PRNewswire/ -- Die EXASOL AG, führender Hersteller von analytischen In-Memory Datenbanksystemen, ist auch 2015 wieder im Magic Quadrant für Data Warehouse Exasol AG. 703 likes · 14 talking about this · 7 were here. Exasol are passionate about helping businesses run smarter and drive profits by analyzing data and information at unprecedented speeds. We /PRNewswire/ -- Bisher beste Platzierung im Quadranten Data Warehouse und Data Management Lösungen for analytics Die EXASOL AG, führender Hersteller von Exasol update. I last wrote about Exasol in 2008.After talking with the team Friday, I’m fixing that now.

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Logg Dich jetzt ein, um das ganze Profil zu sehen. 老牌数据仓库和业务分析厂商依然表现强劲,但是Hadoop新兴厂商也在紧追其后。Gartner在其魔力象限中对比了17家分析厂商,Teradata、Oracle和IBM成为前三强,Cloudera、MapR、AWS和1010data成为挑战者。 /PRNewswire/ -- EXASOL, independent vendor of in-memory analytic database technology, has been placed in the new 2015 Gartner, Inc. Magic Quadrant for Data 100% of Customers Would Recommend Exasol. by Slavko Kastelic | Sep 25, 2020 | News. Exasol doesn't only shine in laboratories where it is proved the performance supremacy but also in real life, where customers gave them the highest scores. BARC, has conducted a Data Management Survey 20 where Exasol achieved 18 top-rankings and 4 leading positions in two peer groups and completely dominated EXASOL AG - press releases: read press releases from this company at the press portal! Submit Your Free Press Release Now! Email this Article MELBOURNE, Australia, July 28, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Yellowfin Bolsters Partnership with Exasol to Offer Customers Unrivalled Analytics Performance 书山有路勤为径;学海无涯苦作舟 数据应用日益广泛 大数据十大趋势预测 【中国 市场分析】随着对不同类型、不同体量数据的结构化存储、 批量处理以及价值挖掘需求的增多,2016 年注定是大数据里程碑式的一年。 Gartner研究副总裁也是该报告的作者之一Mark Beyer表示,2012年数据管理领域出现了几大趋势,其中包括“大数据”技术快速发展、逻辑数据仓库架构吸引更多关注以及数据虚拟化工具的流行等。 This marks the eighth consecutive year the company has been placed in the Gartner Magic Quadrant report. Read More .

Exasol gartner免费下载

A Kihívók szegmensben is egy csere történt, a MicroStrategy és a Looker (Google) páros mellé bekerült 唯一的一家挑战者厂商是1010data。特定领域者厂商包括:Actian、Exasol、Infobright和Calpont。而ParAccel、HP和Kognitio则被评为有远见者。 Gartner提醒,用户在部署新的数据仓库项目时,需要谨慎选择咨询服务公司,而目前还有许多软件厂商在试图推销过多的基础架构。 EXASOL AG - press releases: read press releases from this company at the press portal! Submit Your Free Press Release Now! Gartner研究副总裁也是该报告的作者之一Mark Beyer表示,2012年数据管理领域出现了几大趋势,其中包括“大数据”技术快速发展、逻辑数据仓库架构吸引更多关注以及数据虚拟化工具的流行等。 近日,Gartner针对当前大数据和云计算整体市场,在其魔力象限中对17家厂商进行了对比分析,其中,Teradata、Oracle和IBM三家公司包揽了前三甲,Cloudera、MapR、AWS和1010data成为几家最大的挑 … Exasol V7 Overview. by CRMT | Aug 10, 2020 | Blog. Exasol Version 7 has improved performance, flexibility and data science capabilities in key areas it is now even easier for you to run analytical models on even larger data volumes to find those business-critical answers and increase visibility. 100% of Customers Would Recommend Exasol. by Slavko Kastelic | Sep 25, 2020 | News. Exasol doesn't only shine in laboratories where it is proved the performance supremacy but also in real life, where customers gave them the highest scores.

Exasol fits into any data environment, so you can get started right away.